The Brown County Soil and Water Conservation District (Brown County SWCD) is a unit of government that has the responsibility to provide local leadership in the promotion of the conservation of our land and water resources. This leadership is provided through a Cooperative Working Agreement with the Ohio Department of Agriculture, Division of Soil and Water Conservation and the United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. As partners, each agency is interdependent, while having independent roles and responsibilities. The District also partners with a multitude of other local, state and federal agencies and organizations to carry out a broad range of conservation programs and services.
Through the District’s multi-faceted partnerships, the agriculture and urban related programs and services encompass soil, water, wildlife, forestry, special watershed projects, cost-share programs, emergency drought and public safety flood recovery programs, as well as adult and youth education programs. These programs and services not only affect the citizens of Brown County personally, but also benefit the local economy through cost-share dollars paid to individuals and the purchase of goods and services.
For almost 80 years Brown SWCD has used its technical expertise to advise landowners about conservation and effective methods of natural resource protection. Each year we strive to share our expertise through a variety of programs, events, and site visits. With assistance from our federal, state and local partners, the District continues to tackle sedimentation and erosion to protect water quality. Our efforts promote minimum standards and practices for natural resource protection and best management practices for agricultural management which directly impacts our quality of life in Brown County.